Two Dreams
I rarely remember my dreams, but I had a couple recently that stuck with me. I thought I’d share what I can remember from them here.
My son, the lawyer
In this dream, my son Iggy is working as a lawyer for a nonprofit agency. No, he’s not grown up – he’s still a baby. He’s with a woman I’ve never seen before, and my wife expresses her concern: “I don’t think that woman likes babies, I’m afraid she might try to kill our son.” Alarmed, I respond “Well, why in the world are you leaving her alone with him?” “I have to!” she answers, “He’s her lawyer!” At this point, I hear the woman conversing with our son, who is speaking in an adult voice. She asks him how old he is, and he answers “I’m 25 days old.” She proceeds to tuck him into his crib, and the whole time she does this Iggy is giving her legal advice. I don’t remember anything beyond that point.
The Job Review
I am on the roof of a high-rise building with my boss, looking out over the edge. We’ve just completed my job performance review, and I’m handed a piece of paper which I sign. Sliding the paper back along the ledge, a breeze catches it and I lose my grip. I grasp at the piece of paper, but it’s out of my reach. To my shock, my boss jumps for the paper and tumbles over the edge – I watch him fall, and crash to the sidewalk below. I don’t remember anything beyond that. Oh, and my boss isn’t my current boss, or anyone I’ve ever worked with before – it’s Pete Shelley from The Buzzcocks.