Monday, December 18, 2006

Music, or oatmeal?

I’ve been hearing about a Denver band, The Fray, for well over a year now. Their rather swift climb “to the top” has been chronicled in the local press pretty extensively. If you were to show a photo of the band to me, it’s likely that I would immediately respond “oh yeah, that’s The Fray.” I’ve honestly seen that many articles about them. The music editor of the local arts weekly, Westword, has been an extremely vocal supporter. He mentions them in his column pretty much every week, and has devoted the entire column to them on several occasions. He has even gone so far as to chastise a few local radio stations for not adding The Fray to their play lists. This week, he excitedly announced that they had been nominated for two Grammy awards. At this rate, it wouldn’t surprise me if he was to arrange a parade through downtown in their honor.

Despite the hubbub, prior to this weekend I had never actually heard a song by The Fray. Not really all that surprising, seeing as I don’t listen to commercial radio, but still a bit curious. However, my blissful ignorance ended late Friday night when I saw one of their videos on VH1. First off, the title of the song was painful in itself – How to Save a Life. The song was downbeat, and incredibly whiney. Not sad, mind you, but whiney – like an annoying person who is always complaining and won’t shut the hell up. The video itself was even more painful, as it featured lots of close-ups of the band members wearing pitiful expressions. If that wasn’t enough, this was interspersed with shots of other people crying and looking really sad…I think there might have also been some hugging involved, but I can’t remember for sure. All I could do was sit there and think “So this is what all of the fuss is about?”

My friend Paul once described the band Coldplay as “the musical equivalent of the color beige.” In other words, they’re blander than bland. Riffing on that, I’d like to make the following statement: The Fray is the perfect band for people who find Coldplay a bit too raucous. You’ve been warned.


At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I was thinking, as I get older, that a band like Coldplay is just a bit too...exciting. It's not soothing.

So lately, I've been looking for something even beige-er than Coldplay, and thanks to your recommendation, I think I may have found it. Mopey title? Check. Bland sound? Check. Record of the year, no question.

I hope to reduce this quest to its logical end someday, by just listening to the hiss of a turntable needle in the end groove of a record for an hour at a time.

Hope you're not blizzarded in.

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh, that's The Fray. I heard that song - it made me want to upchuck some cookies and frosting. So friggin' overwrought.

My favorite release of the year - Nuclear Daydream from Joseph Arthur. But I'm a total girl... Do try to see a live show of his if you haven't....

I'm here only 550 miles from you right now- I'm in Kansas City. Hope you had a wonderful holiday! I'll see your sweet self and wifey in May (maybe we can make out???? ;) )


At 11:16 AM, Blogger Deviled Hampton said...

pdb - believe me, we're all oh so proud that the fray hails from d-town. between that, and the latest season of "the real world," denver will soon be crawling with boring beige people. oh, waitaminnit, it already is...

nickers - only 550 miles away? well, what are you waiting for? don't let the blizzard that just started stop you... oh, and this coming may? its a date.

At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honey, I think N probably wants to make out with ME! ;-) I am the cute one, after all. (See ya in May, Nickers... and no, H, you can't watch. You'll be on baby-minding duty.)

Sincerely, Your Wife

PS: When you get home, you are so moving to the basement!

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Deviled Hampton said...

oops...sounds like i'm in trouble.

>PS: When you get home, you are so moving to the >basement!

yeah! i finally get my own room!


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