Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Put on my blue suede shoes...

I guess I'm not the only person who really hates that song Walking in Memphis.

Oooooh...I'm not very nice...


At 12:35 AM, Blogger Mothlight said...

Aack, flashbacks to car trips with the L-word with that stupid song. Definitely an evil song, although, no where near the horror that Carly Simon inspires.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Deviled Hampton said...

believe it or not, i had never heard this song prior to a few months ago. according to that CNN story, it was a hit way back in 1991. i remember a lot of people telling me about it at the time, and how much i'd "love" it because of my fascination with elvis. i've recently been forced to listen to the radio in my car, so i finally got to hear this tune - its awful! i was assaulted by it again this morning on the drive in to work. its a sunday morning program that recaps much of what's happened in denver in the past week, so naturally this story was mentioned.


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