Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hot Hot Heat

On the drive home from work today, the deejay mentioned that last summer there were 20 days that broke 90 degrees. She then provided an update on this summer – today was day 19 of breaking 90, and there is no end in sight soon to our current heat wave. Yuck! I feel like I’m going to melt.

We just got back from another Pacific Northwest visit a few days ago, so this heat has been a shock after the cool temperatures there. (It reminds me of one of the main reasons I left D-town in the first place – yep, it was the awful summers.) They still haven’t fully come out of their winter yet. There were overcast and drizzly days during our visit, but some nice days as well. A good mix, overall. We had our typical good time. Got to see some old friends, spend some time on San Juan Island with the li’l woman’s family, and even did a night in Portland (a first for us). Thanks to all who put us up, came out to see us, or treated us to food and/or drinks.

Surprisingly enough, my favorite story from our visit occurred while we were at Seatac to catch our flight back. We had plenty of time to kill, and noticed that they now have an Ivar’s in the airport, so decided to grab some lunch (for those of you not familiar with it, Ivar’s is a Seattle institution with great fish and chips and clam chowder). I grabbed a table, and Em got in line to get food. I had noticed that they had some funny bobbleheads of founder Ivar Haglund in his sea captain’s outfit, so I asked her to get me one if they weren’t too outrageously expensive. When she came back with the food, I asked Em how much the bobbleheads cost, as she had not brought one back for me. I expected her to tell me that I didn’t give her enough cash for both that and lunch, so her answer surprised me. She was informed by the Ivar’s employee that airport security wouldn’t allow them to sell the bobbleheads because they could be used as weapons. Yep, these dorky little toys were deemed to be a security threat! The reasoning being that someone could be hit over the head with one. But couldn’t that apply to almost any small, hard object? Can you imagine trying to hijack a flight by threatening the crew with a bobblehead??!!?? Turn this plane around to Cuba – I’ve got a bobblehead, and I’m not afraid to use it! We live in paranoid times, indeed…

(Didja notice I used the name of a really hip, trendy band for the title of this post? Damn, I’m cool.)


At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you haven't heard about the special training camps for bobbleheads? The bobblehead militia pose a grave and current danger to our society Hampton...do not mock them.
Glad you made it back okay, and it was very nice seeing you both.

At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was a fourth grader, I was beaten nearly to death on the playground with a Trix Rabbit bobblehead. Thanks for bringing that memory back up. I'll be sending you my therapy bills. :-)

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Next time i'm at the airport i will wear my down vest and i will certainly strangle someone with it.

That Hot Hot Heat "Elevator" record is actually pretty damn good!

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have seen hot hot heat live and i would just like to say that they are no judas priest
good to see you again
glad i don't live in denver
drink lots of fluids

At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware the Bobbleheads!!!

This is so ridiculously hilarious that my office mates and I are cracking up laughing. All of us have helped book international flights for our mission trips and we can add this to the "do not bring on flights" list.

On another note: I know how you can learn to enjoy CO summers....just come to OK and live through this heat, humidity and bugs and you will be thrilled to head back to CO!


At 9:54 AM, Blogger Deviled Hampton said...

i apologize, folks, i didn't realize the extent of the bobblehead threat in this country - both past and present. perhaps i need to start watching more CNN and MSNBC to get a "fair and balanced" view of these dangerous little novelty items.

imho, if we STOP enjoying bobbleheads then the terrorists have won. c'mon, look at 'em, they have these tiny little bodies and big ol' heads that keep nodding and nodding and nodding and...HA HA HA TEE HEE HEE OH HO HO AH HA HA...THUMP!!! damn, i just fell off of my chair. i guess bobbleheads really ARE dangerous.

btw, down vests have also been banned from flights. not because they're a threat in any way, they just make all of the other passengers insanely jealous.

i saw hot hot heat once, opening for wire, i thought they were pretty decent. i haven't heard any of their cd's.

i've never seen judas priest, as i don't own any leather chaps.

At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, just getting caught up on reading the ol' hubbie's blog. You all jest at the bobblehead threat, but those Ivar's bobbles were heavy! They were made of what they all call "resin," which is just a fancy name for heavy plastic impersonating ceramic or stone. Not only that, but they tend to multiply, if you've seen our bobblehead collection, you'd understand. They threaten to overtake the chia pet zoo any day now...


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